What We Do
Rapid City Area School District is reimbursed though Medicaid for services provided by school employees in the areas of OT/PT, Pathology. Speech, Audiology, Birth to 3 and Nursing staff for students that are Medicaid eligible and qualify for such services or have a Individual Health Plan with our nursing staff.

Rapid City Area School District is allowed by South Dakota Medicaid to bill for services that are medically necessary. All rendered services provided at the school district must follow these guidelines for billing.

  1. Services must be medically necessary and appropriately documented.
  2. Services must be written out in the child’s care p[an.
  3. Services must be within the scope of the professionals practice
  4. Services must be preformed via direct, face-to-face encounter
  5. Services must only be provided for students under the age 21
  6. Services must only be provided to students that are enrolled in the Rapid City Area Schools district.

Parental Consent:

In order to access the student’s Medicaid Part B, the Rapid City Area Schools must have a Parental Consent Form on file with the school district. The Parental Consent Form is voluntary and will not determine if the child will receive services. A link has been provided to the Parental Consent Form for your convenience. The form can be filled out and sent back to Attn: Medicaid Secretary,  21 Saint Joseph Street,  Rapid City, SD, 57701. Any further questions about Medicaid please contact the Medicaid Secretary, Jane Scherr at (605) 791-5820.


Want to know more about Medicaid eligibility?

South Dakota Department of Social Services/ Medicaid Eligibility


Parent/Guardian Medicaid Consent Letter

Medicaid Consent Form

Medicaid Instructions

Medicaid Well Check Information

Medicaid Brochure

Medicaid Annual Notification For Billing


Formulario De Consentimiento De Medicaid


Center for Medicare-Medicaid Services in Multiple Languages (CMS.GOV)


Medicaid Contacts
Name Title Email
Jane Scherr Medicaid Processor Email Jane