Physical Form 2023-2024
High School Activity Program
High School Activities Handbook
The Board of Education shall provide a variety of co-curricular activities, the purpose of which may be both educational and recreational. It is recognized that well organized and implemented co-curricular programs can have a positive influence on the morale of the student body and serves as an important vehicle for good school and community relations. Programs should be conducted with the best interests of the participants as the primary consideration at all times.
Programs shall encourage participation by as many students as possible. Student participation may be limited by individual abilities and/or interests, the nature of activity and/or team concepts, but not by any criteria explicitly prohibited by federal and state discriminatory statutes.
Only qualified personnel shall be provided for instruction, coaching and supervision of co-curricular activities.
Since the Activities Program is based on participation and competition it is imperative that the will to succeed to be a basic concept which must permeate the entire program. Freshman and Junior Varsity levels of competition are based on establishing and improving skill development as well as participation. At the varsity level the objective is competition and striving to win. Because of numbers, tryouts may exist in some sports and activities, with the tryout procedure clearly outlined and identified.
The Varsity Head Coach/Advisor is the coordinator for his/her particular sport. If he/she is to have this responsibility, he/she must likewise have the opportunity to provide positive input for total program development. The Head Coach/Advisor is responsible for developing job assignments in cooperation with the Activities Director, program objectives and any other information that is relative to his/her particular program. Program development will be reviewed at the conclusion of a season by the Head Coach/Advisor and Activities Director.
The Varsity Head Coach/Advisor will in turn be consulted as to who will make up the coaching/advising staff at the high school each year.
Middle School Activity Program
Middle School Activities Handbook
In order to maintain our Middle School philosophy of extra-curricular activities, fees in the amount of $25 per activity or $60 for all activities and $120 maximum per family for the year will be assessed. Scholarships are available based upon need.
Student activities are an integral part of education. They must operate in harmony with other parts of the total curriculum, providing significant learning experiences for youth and helping them to develop a positive lifestyle. In fact research indicates that successful participation in student activities is a valid predictor of success in academics, career and community.
Rapid City area middle school students face a complex future – one that will demand diverse skills from all citizens. Such a complex society will require leadership and communication skills among its peoples, as well as the ability to work together. The school’s responsibility in providing students with skills to succeed in life will be supported by a comprehensive activities program.
The activities program will provide opportunities for students to organize and plan, to assume leadership roles, to gain recognition and identity, to recreate physically and emotionally, and to mature socially.