SECTION A: Foundations and Basic Commitments

Section A of the NEPN/NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the district’s legal role in providing public education and the basic principles underlying school board governance.  These policies provide a setting for all of the school board’s other policies and regulations.

Policy Procedure Exhibit Description Reviewed/Revised
AA School District Legal Status 06/03/24
ABAB Parent Involvement 04/11/16
ABAC Relations with Parents 04/11/16
ABACA Parent/Guardian Conduct 02/04/25
AC Discrimination/Harassment 07/09/18
ACAA ACAA-P Title IX Sexual Harassment 03/22/21


Educational Philosophy 02/22/16
ADA-ADAAA Americans with Disabilities Act 11/27/17
ADC ADC-P Tobacco Free Schools 02/22/16
AF Dangerous Weapons in School 07/02/24