What We Do
The Rapid City Area Schools English Learner Program supports culturally and linguistically diverse students who are learning English as an additional language. We specialize in language acquisition and English language development. Our program focus is to advocate and ensure that our English learners can participate equally and meaningfully in the classroom. Our program provides rigorous instruction to English learners to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. This will help them to achieve grade-level proficiency and become successful in the workforce and post-secondary environments. Presently we serve 170 students from various cultural backgrounds.

English Learners

Instructional Model

Collaborative and Pull-Out Support is an approach used widely for teaching language and content to English learners, particularly as schools prepare students to achieve high academic standards.

Who We Serve

We are currently serving over 14 different language groups at more than 15 schools. If you have any questions please feel free to email one the of the English Learner staff below.


English Learner Handbook 2023-2024

South Dakota Department of Education Title III English Learner Acquisition

South Dakota Department of Education English Learner Assessment (WIDA)


Colorin Colorado/ A bilingual site for Educators and Families of English Language Learners


Identification Process Current Languages Translation Apps US Dept of Justice

Jennifer Strong
Director of Federal Programs
English Learner Contacts
Name Title Email
Yaimey Nunez Title I Parent & ELL Coordinator Email Yaimey
Solomon Smith Title I Parent & ELL Coordinator Email Solomon
Shelby Bodden Title I Parent & ELL Coordinator Email Shelby
Odalys Hibner Title I Parent & ELL Coordinator Email Odalys
Tracy Herren Title I Parent & ELL Coordinator Email Tracy
Rosita Meier ParaPro (K-12 English Language Email Rosita
Cynthia Ross ParaPro (K-12 English Language) Email Cynthia