What We Do
Workforce Development is a program for 18-21 year old transitional students. It provides opportunities for students to gain independent living skills, social skills, employment, and self advocacy in real life settings and to participate in age-appropriate activities in their communities. These services ideally are located outside of the high school, in community settings such as vocational-technical colleges, house/apartments, offices, and/ or businesses. Our classroom setting is located in the Lincoln Building.

The reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) in 1990 and the subsequent reauthorizations, including the latest in 2007, mandate school districts to provide transition services for students with disabilities in order to improve post-school outcomes. To help meet the transition requirements, our district has developed community based transition options. These services are designed to support students who typically need to continue to work on their transition goals.


The Workforce Development Program is a Rapid City Area Schools Voluntary program for young adults 18-21. It is designed to assist in making connections with adult service providers and providing special education transition services that enable students to lead productive and independent lives. Students interested in this program typically are:

  • RCAS students with a disability age 18-21
  • Students that have completed their academic requirements for graduation at their home high school and continue to have unmet IEP transition goals
  • Students that qualify for Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Students that:
    • Have the ability to develop independent work with employment, and academics
    • Have independent self-care
    • Are capable of being left alone for an amount of time without supervision
    • Have no safety concerns in the community setting
    • Can communicate basic needs
    • Have some work/volunteer experience
    • Have good attendance


Life and Workplace Readiness Course Guidebook 2021-2022

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Side yard


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Workforce 09 2023


Walk Like a Penguin Safety Contest

Meet the Staff at Workforce Development


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Dr. Keyra Comer
Director of Special Services
Mercedes Borgen
Special Education Program Manager-Secondary Education
Workforce Development Contacts
Name Title Email
Lillie Pendleton K-12 Special Education Email Lillie
Marian Alexander ParaPro (Sped) Email Marian
Carrie Lange ParaPro (Sped) Email Carrie
Heather Steinback ParaPro (Sped) Email Heather
Ruth McKinstry ParaPro (Sped) Email Ruth
Richard B. Pendleton Lincoln WFD School Nurse Email Richard