We’re committed to building tomorrow’s community through education, communication, appreciation, and celebration! With amazing students, exceptional teachers, and staff, we’re building a brighter tomorrow. On this page, you will learn more about the initiatives we’re working on.
Meeting Schedule
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Survey coming soon!
Want to connect with your Board of Education Representative?
The Board welcomes communication from the community. Click on your representative below to email!
Contact Troy CarrContact Jamie ClaphamContact Christine Stephenson
Contact Donna MooreContact Katy UrbanContact Michael BirkelandContact Walt Swan
Key Initiatives
Learning Loss/Education Gap
The effective education of every student in the Rapid City Area Schools is vitally important to the Board of Education. In face it is our number one priority. For too long, the gap between the district's highest achieving students and its lowest has been unacceptably large. And recent data has revealed that high school graduation rates are unacceptably low. We endeavor to look at the root causes and develop strategies to improve these trends.
Teacher Recruitment and Retention
Teachers are the backbone and foundation of any successful school district. The nationwide decline in the teaching profession has caused the Board of Education to take a look at teacher recruitment and retention. The Board of Education's goal is that Rapid City Area Schools be the employer of choice for teachers in the area.
Every student in our district, and every staff member deserves safe, comfortable buildings that are conducive to learning. While many of our buildings serve their purpose adequately, several do not. Just like we last did in 1973, the district needs to ask the community for a bond to address our largest facility needs that cannot be paid for with our annual budget.
Celebrating Success
Our work in education makes a difference in the lives of many each and every day. Together we support students and staff to make each day the best it can be.

Rapid City Area Schools – 2024 US DOE Engage Every Student Recognition Program Champions