Bus Service
Students eligible for bus service (K-8th grade residing more than 2.5 miles from their assigned school or in a designated area) must complete a Request for Student Busing Form to ride the bus. Transportation eligibility is determined by the student’s primary address in the Skyward student database. Students who have registered will receive bus passes by postal mail the week before school starts. Students who have moved or changed schools will need to register to receive a bus pass. Request for Student Busing Forms will be available at schools during school registration and here on the RCAS website. Bus personnel will attempt to notify special education parents prior to the start of school.
Student Nutrition – Visit the Student Nutrition website here
- Breakfast and lunch are available for all students at all schools.
- To view the current meal prices, please visit here.
- Free and reduced price meal applications are available here online.
- A new application must be completed each year and only one application needs to be completed per household. Paper applications are also available at our office. It could take up to 10 days to process an application; families are responsible for paying for school meals purchased during this time until the application is approved. Applications completed online and those dropped off at the Student Nutrition Office at 851 West Street will be processed the quickest.
- Children in households receiving SNAP or TANF receive meals at no charge without applying.
- Students are given an online school meal account that can be funded by personal check, cash, or online payment (E-Funds). Families are responsible for maintaining a positive balance in the school meal account. Students with negative balances will be given opportunities to bring the account into good standing.
- Have questions?📧Email: RapidCityStudentNutritionOffice@k12.sd.us
📞Phone: 605-394-4061 | Toll-Free: 844-641-5141
📍Student Nutrition Office
851 West Street
Rapid City, SD 57701
School Begins
Regular classes begin on Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Registration Dates
Returning Student Registration – May 1, 2024 – Friday, August 2, 2024, 8:30-3:30. Please complete the Skyward Family Access Online Registration between May 1 and August 2, 2024. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your child’s school on August 2, 2024. (pre-registered kindergarten students, preschool children and returning GRADES K-8)
New Student Registration – April 1–May 30, 2024, at the schools, online April 1, 2024 through May 1, 2025, or starting on August 3, 2024, 8:30-3:30 at the schools.
Click on the New Student Registration link to create an account to start your registration. Follow the instructions for registering and plan to bring the requested documents to the school. If you do not have a computer, please call the school before May 22 for further assistance OR you may register in person on Friday, August 2 from 8:30-3:30 at the schools. If you have moved within the district, please contact your school for further directions.
(Kindergarten children not pre-registered, students who have moved, and new students to the district K-8)
With the exception of kindergarten students who were pre-registered last spring, the first-come, first-taken registration process is again being used because it seems to be the most reasonable and fair. If a space problem exists at the time of kindergarten registration, home attendance assignment will not be guaranteed.
Grades K-8 students requesting Personal Transfers must register at their home school unless their Personal Transfer has already been approved.
Special Needs Students
All special needs students are to report to their assigned buildings.
Elementary and Middle School Orientation / Open Houses
Back to School Night/Open House is August 15, 2024, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. Contact your school for details.
Back to School Night/Open House is August 14, 2023, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Contact your school for details.
High School Prep Program at Rapid City Alternative Academy
Open House is August 14, 2024, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM.
If you plan to participate in a middle school sport please get your physicals scheduled. Students participating in an activity must have an athletic physical before they can participate in the school athletics. A copy of the completed Physical Exam Form must be on file in the office of your child’s middle school prior to the first practice. Physicals taken in the spring for the ensuing school term shall be taken after April 1. Return the completed Exam Form to your child’s Middle School office. Physical exams must be done annually.
In order to maintain our Middle School philosophy of extra-curricular activities, fees in the amount of $25 per activity or $60 and $120 maximum per family for all activities for the year will be assessed. Scholarships are available based upon need.
No Fees Assessed for Knowledge Bowl, Math Counts, Science Fair, Student Council.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school:
North Middle School – 394-4042
South Middle School – 394-4024
East Middle School – 394-4092
West Middle School – 394-4033
Southwest Middle School – 394-6792
The primary purpose of education is to develop successful adults. While academic pursuits are essential in providing the necessary foundation, a variety of learning experiences enhance the probability of adult success. The Rapid City Area School District attempts to satisfy the need of all students by offering a balanced program of Student Activities.
It is the responsibility of the activity participant and the parent to make sure that the following is completed before the student participates in athletics for Rapid City Area Schools.
The student must have a physical examination completed before the beginning of the activity. A copy of the completed Physical Exam Form must be on file in the office of your child’s middle school or your child’s high school activities office prior to tryouts or if no tryout prior to the first practice. The physical must be completed annually and must be dated from the current year. If a student does not have a physical, he/she will not be allowed to tryout/participate.
The student and parent must review/complete the state required parent consent/Interim-Annual Pre-Participation History form. Parents, this form must be completed electronically via Skyward’s Family Access. It is the HS Activities/Concussion – Parent Consent Form.
High School student and one parent must attend a Preseason Meeting to be informed of the rules and regulations that govern the activities program. This meeting will be in the beginning of August.
All high school students are required to have student ID cards. The first photo is free of charge. See Orientation below for schedule.
REGISTRATION – New Students & Students Without Schedules
Central – 605-394-4063 – Call the school during the summer for an appointment with the Registrar. (Closed July 4, 2024)
Stevens – 605-394-4025 – Call the school during the summer for an appointment with the Registrar. (Closed July 4, 2024)
Rapid City High School – 605-394-4028 – By referral from home attendance area of Central or Stevens High School only.
August 12, 10th & 11th grade Student Prep Day/Pictures/ID-CHS Commons between 9 am-3 pm
August 13, 9th & 12th grade Student Prep Day/Pictures/ID-CHS Commons between 9 am-3 pm
August 14, 9th-12th grade Make-up School Pictures/ID/Schedule-CHS Commons between 4 pm-6 pm
August 14, 9th grade school pictures/orientation, 8:00 am-3:00 pm-SHS Commons.
August 15, 10-12th grade pictures, 8:00 am-3:00 pm-SHS Commons
Make up school picture/ID’s will be taken Aug. 20 between 8:00 am-1:00 pm.
Rapid City Alternative Academy-
The registrar will contact parents to set up orientation. High school laptop check out and Photo ID pictures will be taken on August 12.
August 14, 2024, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
August 20, 2024, 8:20 a.m., Report to classes as scheduled. (Red Day)
August 20, 2024, 8:25 a.m., Report to classes as scheduled.
Rapid City Alternative Academy
August 20, 2024, 8:20 a.m., Report to classes as scheduled. |