Tuesday, June 19
Rapid City Area School District’s new mobile feeding truck will make its debut June 21. The truck will serve meals at Jefferson Building, North Middle School, and Horace Mann Swimming Pool. Mobile Feeding Sites and Serving Times: ...
Thursday, June 7
This week, a group of RCAS staff members and community stakeholders from local business and industry entities embarked on an exciting new journey; the development of a blueprint and recommendations for multiple, flexible pathways and opportunities for students. ...
Monday, May 7
Rapid City FFA attended the SD State FFA Convention in Brookings on April 15-17. Thirty-five members from Rapid City joined nearly 2000 other members from across the state. Our teams included Agricultural Mechanics, Biotechnology, Floriculture, Horse Judging, Livestock ...
Monday, May 7
Saving the World Through Science, From Garden to Table, Theatrical Special FX, Robotics Into Orbit – these are just a few of the new courses that will be offered as part of the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math ...
Monday, May 7
This year, as part of a pilot project, Strider partnered with Black Hawk Elementary School. The company wants all kids to have an opportunity to learn to ride a bike. The pilot was a success. Beginning next year, ...
Monday, May 7
RCAS to use new messaging system Beginning this month, the district is changing its notification service used to send important information to families via phone calls, emails and text message. To comply with wireless carrier requirements and protect ...
RCAS Shoutout
Meet Chief. He is a 9-year-old certified therapy dog that spends two of his days each week with students in the Geometry in Construction class at Rapid City High School. Chief’s Dad, Mr. Hauck, teaches the class along ...
Monday, May 7
Twelve Stevens High School Future Business Leaders of America (FLBA) contestants traveled to the State Competition in Sioux Falls on April 23 & 24th. Approximately 400 students competed in a variety of events. Stevens Chapter competed in 19 ...
Monday, May 7
The 21st Annual All-City Music Memory Contest took place Saturday, April 21 at Stevens High School. The contest, involving 150 students, was the culmination of a year-long study of great composers, their music and their lives. Students ...
Tuesday, April 24
Congratulations to our Stevens High School band students and teachers! SHS has been recognized as a 2018 Merit Award winner. This is a nation-wide recognition by NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants). Stevens is one of 135 schools ...