College and Career Planning
At Rapid City Area Schools,
we are committed to helping all students
dream big
about their futures.
Through college and career exposure, exploration, and experiences, at each school level we know our students will graduate with a career interest and the confidence to pursue their goals, dreams, and thrive in their future. Rapid City Area Schools-preparing tomorrow’s community through inspiration, innovation, and excellence.

Our focus in elementary school is about helping students dream big about their futures by exposing them to various college and career opportunities through classroom lessons, career fairs, and understanding the importance of high school graduation through our spring graduation walks. |

In middle school, students will focus on exploring various career opportunities through interest inventories, learning tours, project-based experiences, mock interviews with industry partners, and participating in a career exploration course and district college and career fair as an eighth grader. |

High school is all about career-connected experiences in academic and Career & Technical Education courses that incorporate learning experiences with industry partners, opportunities to earn early college credit through advanced placement and dual credit, employment ready experiences such as jobs shadows, internships, service learning and/or qualifying for industry certifications.
In addition, RCAS provides supports for college advising, application and scholarship applications, and campus visits. |