Just as the hard work in applying for college is complete, now you must ensure the appropriate steps are taken as you prepare to enter college.

Here are a few things to think about as you look ahead:

  • Once you complete the acceptance paperwork to your chosen college or university, make sure to let the other institutions you were accepted to know you will not be attending there.
  • Begin applying for scholarships.
  • Connect with your college or university on social media and through newsletters to learn about activities, clubs, and events that occur on campus.
  • Begin working to identify housing and meal plan options. Check with your college or universities student resident life and dining office for additional help and resources.
  • If you will be living in a dormitory with a roommate, you may want to reach out and get to know your future roommate and make plans for your joint living space.
  • Attend Freshman Orientation. During this time, you may be selecting your classes and receiving your student ID.


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