Community Partnerships

Develop a sustainable system of effective partnerships between our schools and community to enhance opportunities for students.

Business, higher education, and community partnerships plan an essential role in building successful schools.  Education Partnerships are a critical component to building capacity, providing support, and resources to meet students and families needs that go above and beyond what the school district can provide.  Effective partnerships are built on mutual interests and share responsibility to advance outcomes.  RCAS is committed to working with our powerful alliance of educators., families, and community to build reciprocal, authentic partnerships that impact student success.  While these partnerships support RCAS in the present, we know the benefits to the community with continue long into the future.  Together we can build tomorrow’s community, through our shared goal of empowering students with the knowledge, skills, and the supports they need to become productive, caring citizens that thrive and give back to their communities,


Our Priorities

  • Student leadership and investment in the community
  • Community engagement for the future of district
  • District-wide volunteer program
  • Systems of mutually beneficial business and community partnerships based on strategic priorities and areas of need