Community members can help RCAS families payoff meal balances

Thousands of RCAS of students rely on school meals as their main source of food throughout the day, but what happens if they can’t afford it? While many students are enrolled in a free/reduced lunch program that either partially or entirely covers the cost of their lunch and sometimes breakfast at school, plenty of other students either haven’t applied for the program or their parents make too much money to qualify but still struggle to pay off the account.

EFunds, the platform RCAS uses to collect school breakfast and lunch payments, has created a way to help alleviate the burden for these families; people can now donate easily online to help struggling families within the district.  If you are interested in donating, please follow these instructions:

  • Go to
  • Hover over “Parents”
  • Choose “Student Nutrition Services”
  • Choose “Click Here to Help Feed RCAS Students”

“This is a great opportunity, especially around the holidays, to help a RCAS family. It is easy to donate, and every little bit make a difference,” Student Nutrition Manager Janelle Peterson said.

For assistance in applying for free and reduced priced meals, please contact the Office of Student Nutrition at (605)394-4061.