
Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

Diversity & Inclusion

Discovering Commonalities Sanford Harmony 1.2 Learning from Diversity Sanford Harmony 1.3 Discovering Commonalities Sanford Harmony 1.2 The Things We Have in Common Sanford Harmony 1.2 The Things We Have in Common Sanford Harmony 1.2 The Things We Have in Common Sanford Harmony 1.2

Student Safety

Talking about Touches

What If?

Circles of Trust

What If?

Talking about Touches

What If?

Accidents and Uh-Oh’s

What If?

Internet Safety

What If?

Pills, Puffs, and Poisons

What If?




Create Your Own College Pennant

How to Create a College Day

Who Uses This? Creative Career Education K.3

Mahalia Goes to College

Storybook and Discussion

Hobbies and Interests Creative Career Education 1.2

Picture Me with a College Degree

How to Create a College Day
Interests Lead to a Career Creative Career Education 2.2

What Training Will I Need?

How to Create a College Day
Career Auction Creative Career Education 4.1

Basic College Vocabulary

How to Create a College Day
What’s My Personality Type? Creative Career Education 5.2

Mapping It Out/Trading Cards

How to Create a College Day


Peer Relations

Caring for Others

Sanford Harmony 5.1

Being Inclusive Sanford Harmony 5.2 Apologizing and Forgiving Sanford Harmony 5.3 What Makes a Friend

Sanford Harmony 5.1

Clique Busters Sanford Harmony 5.2 Battle the Bullies

Sanford Harmony 5.4



Listening to Others

Sanford Harmony 3.1

Listening & Responding to Others

Sanford Harmony 3.1-2

Being Assertive Sanford Harmony 3.3 Communication Bloopers and Boosters Sanford Harmony 3.1-2 Name that Communication Booster Sanford Harmony 3.1-2 Name that Communication Booster Sanford Harmony 3.1-2

Problem Solving

Identifying & Solving Problems Sanford Harmony 4.1-2 Identifying & Solving Problems Sanford Harmony 4.1-2 Identifying & Solving Problems Sanford Harmony 4.1-2 Animals of Conflict/Stop, Think, Cool Off! Sanford Harmony 4.1 & 4.2 Watch and Learn/ Stop, Think, Cool Off! Sanford Harmony 4.1-2 Watch & Learn/Name Conflict Style Sanford Harmony 4.1-2

Problem Solving


Sanford Harmony 4.3


Sanford Harmony 4.3

Recognizing How Behaviors Affect Others Sanford Harmony 4.4 Talk it Out and Clear It Up Sanford Harmony 4.3 Talk it Out and Clear It Up Sanford Harmony 4.3 Step It Up Sanford Harmony 4.3

Empathy & Critical Thinking

Recognizing and Predicting Feelings
Sanford Harmony 2.1-2
Having Empathy Sanford Harmony 2.4 Understanding that People Can Change Sanford Harmony 2.7 Thought Connections

Sanford Harmony 2.1

Caterpillar Thought Sanford Harmony 2.3 Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes Sanford Harmony 2.2



Summer Safety/


Summer Safety/


Summer Safety/


Summer Safety/


Summer Safety/


Summer Safety/

Transitioning to Middle School


Middle School


Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8


 Intro: Role of Counselor /Bullying Harassment/ Reporting
 Second Step Lessons 1-9





 Signs of Suicide
Xello: School Subjects @ Work

Xello: Decision Making

Xello: Interests

Xello: Learning Pathways

Xello: Biases & Career

Xello: Matchmaker

Xello: Transition to High

Second Step Lessons 10-16





 College & Career Readiness
                                                                             What to Expect in HS
 Second Step Lessons 17-25





 Academic Planning/Trusted Adult
 Second Step Lesson 26

Common Sense Digital Citizenship: Lessons 1-5


Counseling Lessons


Grade 6

Bullying & Harassment

Signs of Suicide

Exploring Colleges & Careers

Academic Success Planning


Grade 7

Bullying & Harassment

Signs of Suicide

Exploring Colleges & Careers

Academic Success Planning


Grade 8

Bullying & Harassment

Signs of Suicide

Exploring Colleges & Careers

Transition to High School



Second Step


Grade 6

Unit 1 Mindsets & Goals
1A. Starting Middle School
1B. Helping New Students
2. Your Ever-Changing Brain
3. How to Grow Your Brain
4. Making Goals Specific
5. Breaking Down Your Goals
6. Monitoring Your Progress
7. Bringing It All Together

Unit 2 Recognizing Bullying & Harassment
8. Recognizing Bullying
9. Common Types of Bullying
10. Responding to Cyberbullying
11. How to Be an Upstander
12. Standing Up and Staying Safe
13. Raising Awareness About Bullying

Unit 3 Thoughts, Emotions, & Decisions
14. Recognizing Your Emotions
15. Emotions and Your Brain
16. How Emotions Affect Your Decisions
17. Managing Your Emotions
18. What Works Best for You?
19. Raising Awareness About Managing Emotions

Unit 4 Managing Relationships & Social Conflict
20. Personalities Can Change
21. What Kind of Friend Am I?
22. Considering Multiple Perspectives
23. Major and Minor Social Conflicts
24. Resolving Conflicts
25. Making Amends
26. My Conflict-Resolution Plan

Grade 7

Unit 1 Mindsets & Goals
1A. Starting Middle School
1B. Helping New Students
2. Creating New Pathways in Your Brain
3. Learning from Mistakes and Failure
4. Identifying Roadblocks
5. Overcoming Roadblocks 1
6. Overcoming Roadblocks 2
7. Is My Plan Effective?

Unit 2 Recognizing Bullying & Harassment
8. What Is Harassment?
9. Gender-Based Harassment
10. What Is Sexual Harassment?
11. The Effects of Sexual Harassment
12. Your Rights and Responsibilities
13. Preventing Harassment

Unit 3 Thoughts, Emotions, & Decisions
14. Emotions Matter
15. Thoughts and Emotions
16. Unhelpful Thoughts
17. Reframing Unhelpful Thoughts
18. Practicing Positive Self-Talk
19. Making Better Decisions

Unit 4 Managing Relationships & Social Conflict
20. Why Do Social Conflicts Start?
21. Owning Your Part in a Conflict
22. Keeping Calm During a Conflict
23. Handling Conflicts Responsibly
24. Barriers to Resolving Conflicts
25. Overcoming Barriers to Resolving Conflicts
26. Acting It Out

*Lesson titles may change slightly in fall of 2020

Grade 8

Unit 1 Mindsets & Goals
1. Welcome!
2. Who Am I? My Identity
3. My Interests and Strengths
4. Harnessing My Strengths
5. Pursuing My Goals
6. My Future Self
7. My Path Forward

Unit 2 Recognizing Bullying & Harassment
8. Understanding Bullying
9. Social Factors that Contribute to Bullying
10. Environmental Factors that Contribute to Bullying
11. Disrupting Factors that Contribute to Bullying 1
12. Disrupting Factors that Contribute to Bullying 2
13. Stand Up and Disrupt!

Unit 3 Thoughts, Emotions, & Decisions
14. Understanding Stress and Anxiety
15. Where Does Stress Come From?
16. Can Stress Help You Grow?
17. Strategies for Managing Stress
18. Changing Strategies and Getting Help
19. My Stress Management Plan
20. My Values and My Relationships
21. Healthy Relationships

Unit 4  Managing Relationships & Social Conflict Relationships
22. Unhealthy Relationships
23. Conflicting Perspectives
24. Managing Conflicts
25. Your Guide to Healthy Relationships
26. High School Challenges


Common Sense – Digital Citizenship
Grade 6

Finding Balance in a Digital World
How do we balance digital media use in our lives?

Don’t Feed the Phish
How can you protect yourself from phishing?

Who Are You Online?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of presenting yourself in different ways online?

Chatting Safely Online
How do you chat safely with people you meet online?

Digital Drama Unplugged
How can you de-escalate digital drama so it doesn’t go too far?

Be Upstanding Finding Credible News
How do we find credible information on the internet?

Grade  7

My Media Use: A Personal Challenge What is your strategy for finding media balance?

Big, Big Data
How do companies collect and use data about you?

The Power of Digital Footprints
What is a digital footprint, and what does yours convey?

My Social Media Life
How does social media affect our relationships?

Upstanders and Allies
How can you respond when cyberbullying occurs?

The Four Factors of Fair Use What rights to fair use do you have as a creator.

Grade 8

Digital Media and Your Brain
How does digital media try to hook you, and what can you do about it?

Being Aware of What You Share
How can you protect your privacy when you’re online?

Social Media and Digital Footprints: Our Responsibilities
How does using social media affect our digital footprints?

Sexting and Relationships
What are the risks and potential consequences of sexting

Responding to Online Hate Speech How should you respond to online hate speech?

This Just In!
How should we react to breaking news?




Grade 6

Self-Image, and Self Improvement
To help students feel better about themselves by taking a broader perspective of what they have already achieved and of what is possible for them to achieve in the future.

Making Decisions
To teach students how to make decision in everyday and ATOD related situations.

ATOD Brain Education (2 sessions)
6th grade goal: To teach information about ATOD to counter common myths and misconceptions.

Advertising & Media Influence
To create an awareness in students of the many techniques and appeals that advertisers use to get consumers to purchase their products

Peer Pressure
To help students learn assertive skills that with enable them to stand up for themselves and refuse ATOD.

Stress & Coping Skills
To teach students that the best ways to deal with stress is to prevent it.

Review, Wrap Up

Grade 7

Being an Adolescent
To teach students about the normal changes that occur during adolescence.

ATOD Brain Education (2 sessions)
To teach students about the cause/effect of drug abuse.

Family Problems/Pressures
To create an awareness of how ATOD problems affect the family and other relationships.

Stress & Coping Skills
To teach students about stress and develop skills for coping with pressure and problems

Grade 8

Self-Image, and Self Improvement
To teach what self-image is, how it is formed, how it relates to behavior and how it may be improved.

Making Decisions
To teach how to make decisions and solve problems independently.

ATOD Brain Education (2 sessions)
To teach information about ATOD to counter common myths and misconceptions.

Advertising & Media Influence
To increase awareness of how media influences student perceptions and increase awareness in students the techniques used by advertisers to manipulate behaviors.

Peer Pressure
To teach how to become more assertive and resist peer pressure to use ATOD.

Stress & Coping Skills
To teach students to recognize stress and learn techniques to cope with stress and emotions.

Review, Wrap Up




Grade 6

School Subjects at Work

Decision Making

Thinking about Careers


Grade 7

Learning Pathways

Biases and Career Choices.


Grade 8

Career Matches

Transition to High School



High School


High School Ready

Grade 9

Career Ready
Grade 10
College Ready
Grade 11
Life Ready
Grade 12
Academy Career Expo


Week of Work
College Visits
College Application Day
1 Understanding and Regulating Emotions

Students will learn about the range of emotions and strategies to regulate them.

Mental Health Literacy

How to help self and others

College and Career Assessments

Discuss types of CCR assessments and which ones are best for different plans.

Senior Meetings

Meet with seniors to complete the graduation readiness checklist, including credit checks.

Post High Planning

2 Healthy Relationships

Students will learn about different types of relationships, setting personal boundaries,

Test Taking/Anxiety Acing the Exam

Strategies for success on CCR exams, including test-taking strategies, free resources, and ACT Method Test Prep.

FAFSA Jumpstart completion of the FAFSA in class and make a plan to pay for post-secondary goals.
Exploring Colleges & Careers
3 How K-12 Prepares You for the Future

Students will learn about how their choices up to now and moving forward have a big impact on the future.

Workplace Skills & Attitudes (Xello)


Matchmaker Revisit the Matchmaker assessment while in Xello.

What is College?

Discuss RCAS definition and types of colleges


Choosing a College (Xello)

College Application Week

What to expect and how to prepare

I Applied… Now what?

4 Stress Management

Students will explore ways to gauge and manage stress in themselves.


Career & Lifestyle Costs (Xello)


Career Demands (Xello)


Problem Solving/Conflict Resolution Problem Solving/Conflict Resolution – post high,  accessing resources
5 Graduation Requirements & Diplomas

Students will learn about the SDDOE and RCAS graduation requirements as well as different diploma options – Review & edit their 4-year plans.

Graduation Requirements & Diplomas

Students will review SDDOE and RCAS graduation requirements as well as different diploma options – Review & edit their 4-year plans.

Growth Mindset (Grit)

Students will learn about neuroplasticity and the brain. They will learn the importance of trying and working hard when things get tough.

One-Year Plan after Graduation
6 High School Planning

Students will finalize their 4-year plans and register for courses for the following school year.

High School Planning

Students will finalize their 4-year plans and register for courses for the following school year.

High School Planning

Students will edit their 4-year plans and register for courses for the following school year.

College Entrance Matchup


Overcoming obstacles in school and in life. Having a back-up plan.

7 Growth Mindset (Grit)

Students will learn about neuroplasticity and the brain. They will learn the importance of trying and working hard when things get tough. (NH)

 Work Values (Xello)


Entrepreneurial Skills (Xello)

Time Management Finding a Balance

With work, school, family, and friends, there is a lot to juggle. Discussion about how to prioritize, focus, and feel good.

8 Solving Problems/Bullying & Harrassment

Students will learn about how to respectfully solve problems with others. (NH)

Earning College Credit in High School

Discuss Dual Credit, Advanced Placement (AP)  and Industry Certifications

Paying for College

Scholarships and types of Financial Aid


Celebrating Each Decision

Take time to honor and celebrate each students plan after graduation.

Senior Exit Survey