RCAS Profile of a Graduate
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- RCAS Profile of a Graduate
The Rapid City Area School District and its business and community partners have jointly developed and adopted the RCAS Profile of a Graduate which embraces the academic knowledge, skills, and attributes needed for a student to make a successful transition to college, career, and life responsibilities.
With the RCAS Profile of a Graduate, educators can begin to review curriculum and actively create learning experiences that introduce and reinforce the competencies identified in the Profile of a Graduate.
Community partners can use the Profile of a Graduate as a reference point for reinforcing community expectations for work and personal character.
College Ready
Career Ready
Life Ready

Meet standardized testing benchmarks
Develop a college, career, and life readiness plan
Participate in a work-based or service-learning capstone experience
Earn college credit, an industry certificate, or both
Collaborate and communicate effectively and respectfully
Demonstrate innovation and creativity
Analyze problems by exercising critical thinking skills
Deliver clear and concise ideas through verbal and written communication
Possess the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to navigate a career search, advancement, and transitions
Embody and practice civic engagement and global citizenship
Manage and balance time, resources, and responsibilities
Demonstrate adaptability and tenacity in pursuing personal goals
Build and maintain positive relationships
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