Rapid City Area School District’s new mobile feeding truck will make its debut June 21. The truck will serve meals at Jefferson Building, North Middle School, and Horace Mann Swimming Pool.
Mobile Feeding Sites and Serving Times:
-Jefferson Building (10:50am – 11:20am)
-North Middle School (11:55am – 12:25pm)
-Horace Mann Pool (12:55pm – 1:25pm)
The Summer Feeding Program has been a staple in the community when school is out. “We know that just because school is out, the need for meals doesn’t end.” Says Janelle Peterson, Student Nutrition Manager for the Rapid City Area Schools. The summer feeding program feeds children 0-18. There is no cost for a meal, and the child does not have to be enrolled in the RCAS in order to participate. “We know that sometimes it is difficult for children to get to our sites. The mobile feeding truck provides us the opportunity to take the food where the need is greatest,” says Peterson.
Additionally this summer, RCAS is partnering with South Dakota State University Extension’s iGrow Readers project. This project was developed by SDSU to combat obesity among South Dakota’s youth. The program pairs children’s books with activities that promote healthy eating and physical activity. The iGrow Readers project will be at South Middle School on Tuesday’s beginning June 12 and will accompany the mobile feeding truck to its locations every Thursday beginning June 21.
RCAS is also partnering with Meals on Wheels Western South Dakota and have started the Seniors and Kids Summer Feeding Program. Throughout the summer seniors 60+ that are caregivers of children 0-18 can join their kids for a free will donation lunch while the kids they are taking care of eat a free lunch. This program is available at Canyon Lake, South Park Elementary, Valley View Elementary, South Middle School, and General Beadle Elementary.
Along with the mobile feeding sites, meals are available at South Middle School and General Beadle Elementary until August 28. This is the first year the meal service has been extended to the day before school starts. Other sites include Canyon Lake, South Park Elementary, Valley View Elementary, and Central High School. Please call 1-866-348-6479 or text “food” to 877877 for the serving times and meals served at those sites.