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Showing staff members at Central High School
Pamila Junek
HS Cheerleading
Marshall Kambestad
Internship Coordinator
Shannon Keller
Special Education Teacher
Klopp, Bret
Brad Knodel
ParaPro (Sped) - Credit Recovery
Elizabeth Knowles
Elementary Instrumental Music, Grades 5-8 Orchestra, Music & Dance/Fine Arts
Kelsey Koepp
K-12 Special Education
James Koller
ParaPro (Sped) - Structured Adademy
Alexander Kosel
ParaPro (Sped) - Structured Adademy
Wesley Laabs
Paraprofessional (Sped Learning Center)
Kathryn Lenz
ParaPro (Sped) - Structured Adademy
Jayne Leusink
School Librarian