July 2, 2024 Annual Board of Education Meeting

5:30 PM RCEC Board of Education President Troy Carr

You Tube Link:  https://youtube.com/live/ADg1Zdu1EMw


  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Approval of the Proposed Agenda
  5. Sharing the Success
    1. New Directors – TLI – Jennifer Roberts/Special Services – Dr. Keyra Comer
    2. New Principals – Meadowbrook – Becky Hogancamp/Horace Mann – Tiffany Phelps/Black Hawk – Alex Whitney/Rapid Valley – Rhoda Bryan/Pinedale – Laura Kamarainen
    3. Principals in New Schools – Valley View – Hollie Hoffman/RCAA – Jessica Kanta
    4. Special Education Managers – Mercedes Borgen/Cher Daniel
  6. Persons Wishing to Address the School Board
  7. Board Response to Open Forum – “Individual board member response does not represent the opinion of the entire board.”
  8. Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Budget Hearing
  9. Conflict of Interest
    1. Conflict of Interest Waiver
  10. Approval of Proposed Agreements
    1. Agreement with ESM Solutions
      1. Rapid City – Renewal July 1, 2024-June 30, 2027
    2. Agreement for Intrax Host School – General Beadle
  11. Approval of Proposed Consent Agenda
    1. 2024-2025 Activity Handbook Changes
      1. Memo of Changes
    2. 2024 SDHSAA Runoff Election – Central High School
    3. 2024 SDHSAA Runoff Election – Stevens High School
    4. Board of Education Minutes Approval
      1. June 3, 2024 Board of Education Meeting
      2. June 18, 2024 Board of Education Meeting
      3. June  26, 2024 Board of Education Executive Session Meeting
    5. Busing Agreement with Meade County
      1. Meade County Busing
    6. Claims Report
    7. Claims Report AM99
    8. Imprest Claims
    9. K-12 Change of Status
    10. K-12 Employment Recommendations
    11. K-12 Substitutes and Field Placements
    12. K-12 Terminations and Leaves
    13. McKinney Vento Grant
    14. Policy AF – Dangerous Weapon
    15. Policy JFB – Education of Homeless Children
    16. Policy JFB-P – Education of Homeless Children – Dispute Resolution Procedure
    17. Policy JFB-E1 – Education of Homeless Children – Request for Review
    18. Surplus Property
    19. Volunteers
    20. ADDENDUM – Human Resources
  12. Items for Board Action
    1. 2025 Annual Budget Approval
      1. RCAS Annual Budget
    2. Publication of Changes in 25 Proposed Budget
    3. Tax Levy Request
  13. Items for Board Information
    1. Information Item – JHCD-E1 – Consent for Medication Administration
      1. JHCD-E1 – Consent for Medication Administration Proposed Changes Form
    2. Other
  14. Sharing the Success – Outgoing Board Members
    1. Kate Thomas – 9 years
    2. Deb Baker – 3 years
  15. Order of Procedure – Adjournment of Old Board – Sine Die
    1. Oath of Office – Donna Moore – Area 1
    2. Oath of Office – Troy Carr – Area 2
    3. Oath of Office – Katy Urban – Area 7
  16. Election of Officers
  17. RCAS Board of Education Organizational Meeting
    1. Designation of Parliamentary Procedure for Board Meetings
    2. Designation of Time and Place for Regular Board of Education Meetings
      1. 2024-2025 Regular Board of Education Meeting Schedule
    3. Establishment of Board of Education Compensation
    4. Designation of Official Newspaper
    5. Resolution Authorizing Business Manager to Electronically Transfer Funds
    6. Resolution Authorizing Deposits and Investments
    7. Resolution Authorizing Borrowing
    8. Resolution Authorizing Participation in Associations
    9. Resolution Authorizing Participation in National Purchasing Cooperatives
    10. Resolution Authorizing School District Funds
    11. Resolution Authorizing the Appointment of Committees and Authorizing Persons to Countersign
    12. Resolution Designating Depositories and Naming of Custodian of the Depositories
    13. Resolution on Federal Aid
    14. Resolution Setting Number of Votes to Take Action
    15. Resolution to Adopt Board Policies
    16. Resolution to Appoint Administrator to Institute School Lunch Agreement
    17. Resolution to Appoint Administrator to Settle Law Cases
    18. Resolution to Appoint Administrators to Sign Contracts
    19. Resolution to Appoint Advisory Committees
    20. Resolution to Appoint Age Discrimination Act Compliance Officer
    21. Resolution to Appoint Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer
    22. Resolution to Appoint Asbestos Compliance Officer
    23. Resolution to Appoint Rehabilitation Act Section 504 Compliance Officer
    24. Resolution to Appoint Truancy Officer
    25. Resolution to Appoint School District Attorney
    26. Resolution to Appoint Title IX Compliance Officer
    27. Resolution to Authorize Bonding of Business Manager and Other Personnel
    28. Resolution to Close School in Emergency Situations
    29. Resolution to Establish Tuition Rates
    30. Resolution Establishing a Health Insurance Imprest Fund
    31. Resolution to Establish an Imprest Fund
    32. Resolution to Hire Staff Between School Board Meetings
    33. Resolution to Participate in the SDRS Roth 457 Program
    34. Resolution to Adopt SD Local Schools Retention Manual
    35. Resolution to Set School Activities Admission Fees
    36. Resolution to Adopt the RCAS Federal Grants Manual, Revised July 2021
    37. Resolution on Board Policy and Resolutions
    38. Resolution to Authorize Insurance Coverage for Officials and Employees
    39. Resolution Naming Annual Appointment to Associated School Boards of South Dakota Board of Directors
  18. Other
  19. Adjournment