Elementary College & Career Readiness

Your Child’s School Counselor is a Great Resource for College & Career Readiness

Elementary School Counseling


Effective college and career readiness counseling begins in kindergarten and continues through high school. In elementary school, we are laying the foundation for the work of College & Career Readiness in middle and high schools.


The National Office for School Counseling Advocacy (NOSCA) provides ideas for parents of elementary age students to meet the six standards for College & Career Readiness.


College Aspirations

Number 1

  • Help your child develop a positive engagement in school and build high aspirations.
  • Help your child get to school on time every day. Attendance matters!
  • Introduce your child to the world around them and connect their likes and interests to their community.

Academic Planning for College & Career Readiness

Number 2

  • Support your child academically, help them engage in school, chart their knowledge and skill development, and encourage social interactions that lay the foundation for college and career readiness.
  • Create a positive and productive learning environment at home, including showing interest in what your child is learning and having a quiet space for homework.

Enrichment and Extracurricular Engagement

Number 3

  • Support your child’s participation in enrichment and extracurricular
  • Develop academic and activity calendars and use portfolios to highlight your student’s accomplishments.
  • Participate in and support school-sponsored enrichment and extracurricular activities, like field trips to museums, colleges, competitions, plays, and concerts.

College & Career Exploration and Selection Processes

Number 4

  • Encourage early academic and workforce readiness skills by creating consistent routines that reinforce character and skill-building, such as getting-ready patterns.
  • Participate in your Parent Teacher Association (PTA), as well as to adopt
    leadership roles that fit with your abilities, talents and interests as a parent.
  • Cultivate their children’s interests by paying close attention to their activities during non-school time and talking with their children about how their interests are related to school success and career opportunities.

College & Career Assessments

Number 5

  • Assist your child in developing a positive perspective on assessments as tools for gathering information and learning about themselves.
  • Create a positive home environment that helps your child plan for assessments while reducing test anxiety, encouraging positive engagement and  highlighting students’ strengths.
  • Visit with your school counselor about potential college and career assessments/inventories that are available in middle school.

College Affordability Planning

Number 6

  • Help your child develop early awareness of financial literacy, including the use of piggy banks and allowances.
  • Begin a saving’s account for your child and visit with him or her about the importance of saving.
  • Learn about the difference between favorable and unfavorable debt as you plan for their child’s future.
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