21st Century Learning
Create a learning environment that is dynamic and personalized to ensure our students have the foundation to excel in the 21st century.
One of the more important roles of RCAS is to engage students in the learning process and graduate them prepared to thrive in today’s digitally and globally interconnected world. 21st Century Learning is an umbrella term that defines and illustrates the skills, knowledge, expertise, and support systems that students need to succeed in work, life, and citizenship. All of these elements are critical to ensuring 21st century readiness for every student:
- Integration of 21st Century Themes in Core Subjects
- Learning and Innovation Skills
- Information, Media, and Technology Skills
- Life and Career Skills
- 21st Century Learning Environment
Our Priorities
- Innovation for rigorous, relevant, and engaging teaching and learning
- Growth mindset and self-directed learning
- 21st century skills and experiences
- Personalized learning aligned to student goals
- Facilities for 21st century learning
- STEAM2 Blueprint for K-12
- Technology integration to enhance learning